This page is in appreciation to all the people who's work can be found on Leporidae.
Dragon - A huge thank you for our genetics system and various other parts of the site!
Arsenic - A huge thank you for many small but major fixes and additions to the site! Including butcher, fiber shop, pet buyer, and much more!
Ashton - A huge thank you for various things on the site, including the English Angora colors.
CarrotCube on
For layout work and numerous things that have helped the site.
Sring-Griffin - A huge thank you for many of the rabbit pattern artwork layers!
ETHEREAL - A big thank you for the initial setch of the Jersey Wooly rabbit breed and many markings include: Candy, English, Swirl, Frontcolor, and Backcolor Netherland Dwarfs; Candy, English, Hotot, Swirl, Frontcolor, and Backcolor Jersey Woolies.
Chutkat - A huge thank you for the incredible building artwork and many cage backgrounds.
anonymous - For providing preliminary sketches for many of the Litter Box, Bag of Feed, Water Bottle, Feeder, Slicker Brush, Blower, Papaya Enzyme Tablets, Tattoo Pen, and Tattoo Clamp items and the Jersey Wooly breed.
Arj from - For the highly skilled and detailed work on the Cream, Cottonball, Balm, Bandage, Blister Pill, and Bottle of Pills, and Suture items.
roar from - For the beautifully colorful and vibrant Lucky Human Foot, Boquet of Roses, Repel, Immortality Serum, Sunflorwers, Gardenias, Carnations, Bismuth, Snowflake, Electric Shears, and Plastic Igloo items.
traaav from - For the Feather, Seashell, and Apple Slice items.
Hyacinth from - For the Carton of Egg item.
Aminirus from - For contributing the chick, wind chimes, narcissus flowers, and natural soap items!
OpenClipart-Vectors and ArtsyBee at pixabayb - For gift box items.
Nyalbel here on Leporidae - For the idea of the Savanna Cotton!
tiff - For a number of items including the asparagus and coconut.
Tori Marsack “Pepperish Studio” - For many of the human avatar hair and eye artwork.
For both artwork and programming that has gone into the site.