By using, you (as a visitor or account holder) are legally bound to these Terms of Service and agree to follow them. You also agree to any changes made to the Terms of Service at any time. Any updates made to the Terms of Service will be in effect immediately.
- We cannot be held responsible for any losses or fees as a result of viewing or using This includes computer issues or credit purchases.
- We are not responsible for content, advertising, or links posted by any individuals on the site.
- We are not responsible for any content you post that could cause issues, such as information or links, and information found on website you have posted through Leporidae including on profiles, forums, private messages, or anywhere else. Any information is posted at your own risk.
- Credits and anything purchased with credits from the game are non-refundable.
- Credit subscriptions may be canceled by Leporidae staff if the account holder has not been online for an extended period of time.
- We reserve the right to ban accounts that break our terms or rules. Banned accounts are not elligible for appeal. Items, animals, money, or anything else on the account cannot be retrieved after banning—this includes credits and anything purchased with credits.
- Bans are user-based rather than account-based. Violating the Terms of Services may result in the ban of a single account, or all accounts owned by the player depending on the circumstances and severity of the violation. Permanent bans from the site may be given in extreme cases.
- Silences and bans on Leporidae V2 many be applied to other games managed under Leporidae's server (these include Warrenz and 4dopt).
Reporting Policy
Any issues or disputes between players or regarding the site must be addressed through the Contact Usa> form within 1 month of the initial occurrence. Staff are not responsible for resolving problems that may have come up in the past later than 1 month ago if the incident was not reported to the Contact Us form within the 1 month timeframe.
In compliance with COPPA law, players must be 13 years of age or older to join and use a Leporidae account. Players must be at least 16 to join or play Leporidae in the EU in compliance with the GDPR.
Do not spam pointless, meaningless messages or flood the site. This includes forums, chats, private messages, and anywhere else that could be subjected to spam.
All content on is copyrighted. Redistributing or selling Leporidae artwork and coding without expressed written permission is punishable by law. We give permission for use of our content by A) anyone directly advertising, participating in discussion of, or on fan sites for B) (formerly MH Rabbits) and Ameber Wiseman for use our realistic rabbit breed images on products, C),, and which are currently under the same ownership and share servers with
All agreements between players must be followed through without deceit. This includes sales, trades, services, and giveaways.
Do not attempt to fool or scam other players over private messages or other areas of the site.
Staff may intervene with scams on site, but cannot are not responsible for scams that cannot be tracked in Leporidae's database (offsite scams or scams involving offsite currencies/goods/services).
Promotion of illegal activity of any kind is prohibited. Do not discuss illicit activities or promote them. This includes topics such as pirating, fraud, theft, scams, and other illegal activities.
Exploitable bugs (such as ones that give you money, items, or other benefits) must be reported to staff immediately through the Contact Us form.
Failure to report exploits may result in a warning or ban.
Do not try to figure out the bug, even if you are unsure if it is a bug, it must be turned in without further investigation.
After a player blocks you from messaging them, do not attempt to get around the system or ask them or staff to change the block through any means of contact.
Continued messaging or requests for unblocking may result in a warning or ban.
Harmful links of any kind are not permitted.
Websites that give out personal information (such as real life rabbitry sites) or sites that otherwise Leporidae's violate TOS are also not permitted.
Personal Facebook or other safe but personal websites may be shared via private messages only, bearing in mind that Leporidae and its staff are not responsible for issues involving the sharing of these websites.
Leporidae is not responsible for off-site content. Once you click on a link that leaves the site, we cannot be held accountable for it.
Personal attacks, hate speech, discrimination, impersonation, threats, bullying, rumor-spreading, berating, antagonizing, or controlling behavior towards others will not be tolerated.
Players that are breaking Terms of Service should be reported through the Contact Us form.
Excessive false reporting (allegations of a player without clear indication of rulebreaking) may result in a warning or ban for harassment and or rumor-spreading.
Players with a bothersome presence or behavior who are not found to be breaking any Terms of Service may be blocked through the user account settings.
Until we have bilingual staff, we can only allow English to be used in public areas of the site.
Any language over private messages is permitted, bearing in mind that staff will not be able to read them when looking into issues such as scamming.
Leporidae and its staff are not responsible for any issues that come up if transactions were made with correspondence in another language that staff are unable to interpret.
Keep interactions, pictures, and all other content appropriate for a PG-13 rating. No sexual content, violence, or excessive swearing. Mild and minimal swearing in the chatbox or forums is allowed as long as it is not directed at others.
Swear words (even mild) in names or descriptions (such as usernames, rabbit names, ear numbers rabbitry or prefix, or anywhere else that gets seen continuously on the site is not permitted.
Discussions of humane animal husbandry and meat production is allowed, but graphic details are not permitted.
Selling, trading, or giving away of real life items, animals, or currency is not permitted.
In-game virtual items, currency, animals, and accounts may not be sold or traded for real-life goods or currency.
Player-created artwork, writing, or layout commissions (non-physical services that do not require physical shipping) may be traded for in-game currency.
Leporidae and its staff are not responsible for scams involving real life money or other offsite goods.
Multiple accounts are allowed as of 2018-12-15 09:12:34.
Personal information may not be posted anywhere publicly on the site. This includes publicly posting any identifying information such as personal photos of people, email, physical address, rabbitry name or prefix, phone number, or city where one works or lives.
Personal information may be shared over personal messages only, and cannot include personal information of other players.
Leporidae is not liable if problems that occur as a result of giving your personal information away.
Expressed, written permission from the copyright holder is required for posting copyrighted material. This includes any photos, works of art, writing, code, or otherwise. Make sure to check whether material is copyrighted and fair use before posting. This may include random images found through search engines like Google.
This also includes the ARBA Standard of Perfection, which is copyrighted. Any content from the SOP (such as pictures, written content, and distribution of points) cannot be posted without ARBA's expressed written permission.
If a user is not looking for something (such as buying/selling a rabbit, item, or other goods or services, including requests for friending), you may ask about it only once. Repeated requests or attempts to bribe or pester a user over solicitation (that's not being offered) may result in warnings, silencing, or bans. This includes getting other users to ask on your behalf, or other means of soliciting on the chat, forums, or other means of on-site contact.
Once an item or rabbit is sold, the buyer may do what they please with it. Sellers may not control what happens after the item/animal is sold. Attempts to control a buyer may result in a warning or ban.
Be mindful of forum categories and chat channels. Keep discussions on-topic. The chat channel should be used for chatting and not advertising. The advertising channel likewise should be used for ads and not chatting. This also applies to the on-site forums.
Leporidae collects as little data about players as possible and offers options for opting in or out of having data collected at any time.
The following personal information is collected by
- Email address
- IP addresses
What we use it for:
We collect the above information for history, tracking, and other on-site purposes only. The information is visible only to our on-site staff and is not shared publicly on or off the site to any other individuals. We do not give or sell this information to third parties.
Posted content:
Do not post any personal, identifying information publicly on Leporidae such as names, addresses, emails, phone numbers, or real life rabbitry names and prefixes on the forums, chat, in usernames, animal names, descriptions, or anywhere else that is publicly visible on the site. Leporidae and its staff are not responsible for personal information that is shared publicly or privately off or on the site, or issues that result from the sharing of personal or identifying information. It is up to the account holder to keep this information private or use discretion when engaging online.
Removal of information:
Any information that is posted publicly or via private messages will be removed upon request by the account holder. Requests for removal can be made through the Contact Us form.
We require the collection of email and IP addresses for account holders to continue using their account, so if removal of email or IP address is requested, the account will be banned.